Keep Your Summer Feet Feeling Great into the Fall

The end of summer is the perfect time to give your feet some extra care. Here’s how.

When summer’s dog days hit hard, we’re all trying to get the most out of the last weeks of the season. It makes sense to give your feet some extra attention now, so you be ready to hit the ground running when life ramps back up in the fall.

Hopefully, you’ve spent the summer wearing cool, comfortable, and supportive sandals. If you started the summer off getting your feet equipped to show off, walk on the beach, lay by the pool, and soak up the sunshine, great! Just take a few simple steps to ensure you’re putting your best feet forward when the cooler weather comes.

A pre-fall foot and ankle check-in is even more important if your feet are feeling achy and your nails are not up to par. Let’s discuss some things you can do to take your summer feet into the next season.

Put an end to aches and pains 

Maintaining physical activity all year is important, but you are probably more active outside during the warmer months. If your summer pursuits have caused your feet to develop painful conditions, pay attention! If you choose to do nothing about those pains, chances are this will only get worse over time. And you’ll want to be in top shape when it’s time to start your cooler-weather activities.

Here's how we can help you help your feet:

  • If you are experiencing pain, come in and get checked as soon as possible. Our office has seen every type of foot condition, and we will work with you to find the best way to make your feet healthy and you comfortable.

  • Our office offers Leneva, which is a natural FDA approved dermal filler indicated for fat pat atrophy – the loss of cushiony fat in the ball of the foot and heel. Leneva therapy can be used for a variety of painful conditions including but not limited to heel pain, ball of the foot pain, and callouses. It has no side effects or contraindications. This can be used at any age for painful achy feet due to loss of fat. Get ready to get back into higher heels pain-free.

  • Many of our patients experience pain relief through MLS laser therapy, which is an FDA approved painless therapy to treat acute and chronic pain conditions including tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, neuritis, neuromas, peripheral neuropathy, and other inflammatory conditions.

  • We have extensive experience treating foot pain with custom foot orthotics.  Orthotics are custom-made to each patient’s biomechanics and needs. They align and support the foot based on the condition and personal history of the patient at hand. We take into great consideration one’s lifestyle when choosing the right orthotic to treat your specific condition.  

Keep your toenails in tip-top shape

Your toenails may look great in your summer footwear, but are they truly healthy? Now is a perfect time for a thorough check before they’re covered up again.

  • Fungal toenails are extremely common. Approximately one out of six Americans have a toenail infection. It’s best to address any lingering toenail infection issues before the cooler weather comes, because infections tend to thrive in winter.

  • If one or more of your toenails are looking discolored or thick, our office can help determine a treatment plan customized for you.

  • Laser therapy has proven extremely effective for treating toenail conditions. Our class 4 laser therapy is painless and without side effects. This is a viable alternative to oral anti-fungal medications. 

More care for exposed skin 

Sun exposure, salt water, sand, and hanging out in wet or sweaty footwear can do a number on your feet. Get ready for cooler weather by treating any warm-weather damage to your feet now. Don’t let cracks, fissures, and peeling compromise your feet.

  • Avoid excess soaking and long showers. They may feel great at the moment, but really do damage to your skin. 

  • Applying foot cream at night can help immensely. We recommended Dr. Kavanagh’s Healing Foot Balm (ask us about it on your next visit!) to lock in the moisture.

It’s so sad to say goodbye to summer, at least for some of us. As you’re getting other parts of your life ready for fall, don’t forget your feet! Do them a favor and use this time to prepare them for what comes next… Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kavanagh or Dr. Kaufman today!

Dr. Elisa Kavanagh + Associates provides foot and ankle care with expertise, empathy, and innovation. Call 914-472-1000 or book your appointment online today.

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